Friday, May 23, 2008

Proud to be an American "soon."

We all got together the night before Jacob got sworn in to be a citizen. I'm proud to say that I just got my letter for my ceremony June 18. can't wait. I have been waiting for this for 2 years. About the same time Jake found out he was not a citizen I too found out. I have had two back round checks, been finger printed 4 times and have paid I think over 2000.oo. I can't wait to be done with this, but most of all I can't wait to be a American!


  1. Congrats on getting to become a citizen!!! That is crazy that you guys didn't know you were citizens. Good luck with your ceromony!!!

  2. I want you to email me some pics from the other night! You got some good ones of Emmy, and I'll email you some of your girls :)
