Thursday, September 11, 2008

A day at the park.

On my side of the family we decide to celebrate all the Birthdays that are in September. So Alexander, Ellie, mine, and Rob's . We decided to go to the park and eat dinner and cake. but someone forgot the cake. That's OK because I'm on a diet. Here are some pictures enjoy.

Happy Birthday to September Birthdays!!
O and Becka Please don't kill me.


  1. Happy Birthdaty to all! All mine are in the spring. FUN!

  2. Happy Birthday Rachel! Oh and diet or not you still have to have dessert :). That is why we have birthdays you know, to eat yummy stuff (I'd rather not eat cake, there are to many other yummy desserts).

  3. Looks like fun! Sorry we missed it :( By the way, who's Ella . . .
