Sunday, September 25, 2011

Please share.

I'm preparing a talk for Relief Society and found this
" Show us your response"
Members are invited to submit video of General Conference Experiences.
What a great idea here is where you can go
or you can just click here.
I would love to hear some of the things you do to prepare for General Conference.
Last year we made Conference packets, and Cinnamon rolls.
I like this idea Conference Socks

Please share even if it's small.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I asked the girls to go and clean there rooms I heard nothing for a while so I quietly went up stairs.
To my delight I found them reading.
My girls have no problem reading they would do it all day if I let them.
There are some children like this count your blessing,
But there's some that don't take a liking to reading, I have one.

Mr Tanner is one of those that HATES and I mean HATES to read.
I did the book club he loved it only because all the other kids thought it was cool.
I think I read most of the books to him, which that was fine but he's in 3rd grade.
I think he should be reading them by himself.

We do sight words, he does great.
We do Fry phases still does great.
Comprehension is great above average.
It the reading out loud that gets him.
We are getting a tutor for him he'll start on Monday.

What I'm wondering have you guys had this problem if so what have you done?
I would love to hear from you.

OK now granite Mason is not reading he is more playing with the stickers,
But he LOveS his books too.

Taking it to the extreme.

My McKenna Like to take some stuff to the extreme.
We have seen pictures of her dress style they haven't changed.
Here is something else we can add to the list doing hair and buckling up.
The hair bow Rob took a picture of .
The buckling up was while I was driving. I had to pull over and take it.
I didn't think I was that bad of a drive!?!?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dirty Dash 10K round two!!

On your mark get set go...
I love this run why you ask.
You don't have to worry about what you look like.
there is a quote that I read in
"Run Like A Mother"
"I keep running until I no longer feel beautiful doing it."
I try to run like that, but the more you run the more you feel better right?!?!
Will not in this run you get muddy the first step you take to the last step you take.

Where in the world do you get to do this.
I flow down this slide. I was trying to slow myself down by putting my feet on the slide but as you can see that didn't work.

Our team name this year was
"Don't be last"
and we didn't we ran I mean did the course in 1.30 mins not to bad.
Loved the lady and the race see you next year can't wait.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Happy Birthday to Mason!!

WOW I was just looking back at my post and noticed that I forgot to post about my sons 2Nd Birthday.
for your birthday we had Spaghetti with meat balls. That he got all over the kitchen and I mean all over as you can see.

Then we made a cake for him, he wanted to help so I let him I wanted to freeze the cake to I could put the frosting on but he wanted it NOW. Oh well maybe next year.

To my son Mason the boy that is a little boy that loves to wrestles, get messy, growls, find bugs.
Play with foot balls run around screaming and never wears his shoes paints on the wall and pulls your sisters hair, gets into your brother stuff when he is not home.

but also Gives some of the best hugs says he sorry with a loving kiss. growls at anyone that messes with the family.
Always loves to play, loves to dance, and pat you on the back when you feel sad.
He will always make you smile when ever he rolls his eyes, while playing peek-a-boo,
and is one of the best snuggles when you are sad, and when every you need some one to say I Love you he is your man.
Happy Birthday little man
Happy Birthday little man
We love you!!!