Saturday, November 7, 2009


OK so I forgot to get pictures of my kids in there Halloween costumes (sorry Nana)
I did get Tanner in his Thank you Big Sister she gave this to me so it was free. My neighbor gave me Emma's and McKenna wore the same one from last year. they were so Happy with that. We went over to our long time friends house and trick or treated.
Thank you Clint and Melinda we had a great time!!
I did get some pictures of my girls in there dress up outfits.
and about a week before we had the chance to go to Thanksgiving Point
Emma danced so Emma and I got in it for free I really wanted to take my other kids in but really didn't want to spend the money.
I know this is a silly thing to pray for butt I did. the next day Tanner came home with a free ticket and I called my other neighbor and to see if they were going and they weren't and gave me their ticket. Thank you Debbie and Jeff Goody. We had a great time as a family.


  1. HAWLEY ENGLAND LONDON MISSION LOGNovember 23, 2009 at 1:55 PM

    I love your beautiful children no matter what they wear! Hugs and Loves from England. Your photos get better and better, Rachel --thanks!
