My kids pulled out this book for me
"The crayons box that talked."
I haven't read that one for a while. After reading the book they wanted to do a craft.
I thought will you could just draw a picture but they do that all the time.
Then I remembered seeing this blog one melting crayons for Valentines.
This would work great and I had all the stuff for it
This is what you will need.
-cup cake holder I wanted to have heart one.
Oh and don't for get to spray your pan.
have your kids take off the wrappers
Set your oven to 225 bake for 5 to 7 min
set in a cool place until they are ready to color with.
you don't have to wait long.
I took a tooth pick and put our names in them just before they really cooled down.
My kids love them Tanner and Mckenna took theirs to school.
They want to make some more for there friends.
When I make them next time I think I'll pair up the colors better.