Monday, September 28, 2009

Family time.

I'm going to post some better ones latter but for now here are some.
I LOVE Fall!


  1. HAWLEY ENGLAND LONDON MISSION LOGSeptember 29, 2009 at 11:30 PM

    LOVE these Fall Fotos! We miss the seasonal changes -- the leaves here fall one by one, and change color singly as well. What a beautiful family you have! We're so glad you take many pictures. We miss you all! Thanks for sharing.
    Loved those Vasoline pics, too! U just can't get upset when they are so happy in all that GOO!
    Love, Nana & Grandpa Missionarys.

  2. Cute kids and nice pics, I don't think I have ever seen your hair that short. I love the fall leaves too.
